Thursday, August 25, 2005

...Intention of Knowledge...

I intend learning and teaching, recalling and reminding, benefit and gaining benefit, usefulness and utilization, and exhortation towards holding firm to the Book of Allah and the sunnah of His Messenger (SAWS).

Guru ana ada menganjurkan ana niat ni sebelum belajar:

نويت ما نوى السلف الصالح في تعليم الدين

Nawaitu ma nawas safussoleh fi ta'alimid din.

aku berniat sepetimana apa yang orang salafussoleh niatkan dalam mempelajari ilmu ugama.


1-Memperbaharui niat kita dalam mempelajari ilmu Allah agar lebih jelas.
2-Mendapat kesan ilmu sepertimana yang orang salafussoleh telah dapat.
3-Sebagaimana yang kita tahu,niat mereka betul2 ikhlas kerana Allah,jadi dengan kita niat seperti mereka,dapatjugak fadhilat2 menuntut ilmu sepertimana yg mereka dapat.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

...HARI AL-QUDS 2005...

Kenali dan cintai Aqsa KITA

Sebuah pesanan persaudaraan, keamanan dan
kebenaran daripada,



Pada 21 Ogos 1969, seorang lelaki berbangsa Australia bernama Dennis Michael telah
membakar Masjid Al-Aqsa. Api menyala besar dan membakar tembok dan mimbarnya yang besar(mimbar Solahuddin). Api marak dengan dasyat sekali seolah-olah seluruh Masjidil Aqsa akan musnah ketika itu. Malah, pihak bomba juga tidak hadir menghulur bantuan. Tetapi Allah telah menyelamatkan Masjid Al-Aqsa dan melindunginya. Akhirnya api dapat dipadamkan.

Setelah itu orang-orang Yahudi membuat pengadilan pura-pura terhadap Dennis Michael.
Michael mendakwa bahawa dia diutus Allah untuk melakukan pembakaran itu sesuai dengan berita dari Kitab Zakaria. Kemudian, Yahudi membebaskannya dengan mengatakan Michael gila. Maka, atas sebab itu, Michael tidak dapat dipertanggungjawabkan atas kejadian
tersebut. Negeri-negeri Muslim seluruh dunia bangkit mempertahankan tempat suci mereka dan mengecam perbuatan keji terhadap Al-Aqsa. Maka sejak itu 21 Ogos setiap tahun menjadi Hari Al-Quds sedunia.

Episod duka Palestin ini, ditambah dengan penindasan dan kezaliman yang tidak henti hingga ke saat ini hakikatnya menuntut sokongan dan bantuan kita, seluruh lapisan Ummahpemilik tanah Palestin yang sah. Malah, 21 Ogos hadir setiap tahun mengingatkan kita bahawa sekiranya kita tidak mempertahankan tanah suci Palestin dan Masjidil Aqsa, kelak, kita bukan sahaja tidak dapat mempertahankannya daripada sekadar dibakar, malah dirampas terus keseluruhannya secara haram oleh Zionis Yahudi.

Justeru, bersempena Sambutan Memperingati Hari Al-Quds Sedunia tahun ini, adalah amat wajar untuk kita sama-sama mengajak masyarakat sekeliling memperingatinya, apatah lagi merencana langkah strategik, efektif dan praktikal yang boleh dilakukan dengan mengoptimakan kemahiran dan sumber yang ada demi menyumbang ke arah pembebasan Palestin.Semoga usaha kerdil kita demi mewujudkan keadilan dan keamanan di bumi Palestin diberkatiNya. Islami Ya Quds!

Risalah Pergerakan Pemuda Islam
Musthafa Muhammad Thahan
14 Momen-Momen penting dalam Sejarah pp.209

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

...Gambar2 Taman Syurga Idaman:Yaman ...

This is were most of the sessions take place. In Tarim they follow a traditional system of study in which they form various halaqas (circles) of knowledge in the prayer area. The sessions take place after Fajr prayer until about 10:30am and then from 'Asr until 'Isha. The sessions include the sciences of Fiqh, Tafsir, Hadith, Grammar and Morphology, Purification of the Heart and so on.

Waiting for the next prayer in the prayer area is considered as actually being in prayer. Many of these students are either reading Quran, reviewing their daily lessons, or making dhikr.

Dar Al-Mustafa (the Abode of the Chosen One) is a traditional school of Islamic education and training. The current director of the school is the great scholar and man of piety, Habib 'Umar, whom we will see in later pictures, in sha Allah. May Allah preserve him and all there at the Abode.

Many of the people of Tarim, especially the students of knowledge there, are extremely vigilant in trying to follow each and every sunnah of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him. This is one of the brothers performing the after-sunrise prayer, which the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, used to perform in the early morning after the sun was up in the sky.

Sessions are only this big on certain occasions. This particular session was after the 'Asr prayer when there is usally a general gathering, if not a lesson from Habib 'Umar himself

This is a session called the "Rowhah." It happens about 3 times a week and it is given by Habib 'Umar. In it he reads from the abridged version of Imam Al-Bukhari's book of Hadith and gives an explanation. He then reads from various books by Imam Al-Ghazali concerning the Purification of the Soul. These sessions lasts for more than an hour. It is deep. Look at the students.

This is one of the Wudu/Bathroom areas

This is typically what a student would expect for living arrangements. It is very clean and healthy there. The food is surprisingly good also. A single student living inside the school, in a room like this one, can live on less than $50 a month (yes, fifty)!!! That includes rent, food, and basic necessities.

I used to sleep in this room, when there was some time to do so. The regular student usually sleeps around 5 - 6 hours a day broken up into two sessions. The first is from about 12 midnight until about 3am, at which time they wake up to pray the tahajjud prayer. Then they remain in the prayer area until Fajr time, which is about 4:30am in the summertime, making dhikr. After Fajr, the morning sessions begin. Afterwards they can rest for a few more hours at about 10:30am or so.This schedule, of course, is for the un-married students who live in Dar Al-Mustafa.

Dipetik:Forum The Habaib

Thursday, August 11, 2005

...Taman Syurga Idaman:Tarim Hadramaut Yaman(1)...

Daruz-Zahrah Hadramaut Yaman

Sekadar ingin kongsi pengalaman orang yang belajar di Yaman.Kalau lihat post bulan January 2004,ana ada postkan pasal Dar-AlMustafa,tempat dimana pelajar2 lelaki,
namun tersedia jugak bagi banat(perempuan)yang ingin belajar disana.kalau para pembaca blog ingin melihat video tentang aktiviti2 seharian mereka,halaqah2 ilmu yang diadakan di Dar-AlMustafa,sila klik disini!!.Selepas itu,klik video:'A Day in Dar al Mustafa'

Sila Baca di bawah ini,pengalaman seorang ukhti yang belajar di Daruz-Zahrah:-

In the name of Allah
May peace and blessings be upon the best of creation…

The Blessed Dar Al-Zahra in the Blessed Land of Tarim

The Dar (abode) of the beloved to the beloved. The Dar of our Sayyidatna Fatimah Al-Zahra, the beloved daughter of our Beloved Messenger Sayyidna Muhammad (may peace and blessings be upon him) is where I found myself. It is this Dar in which I am beginning to hope to know my Lord. The secrets in this Dar are plenty and the mercy and forgiveness are pouring down continuously due to the innumerable gatherings of mahabba (love of Allah), gatherings of sisterhood, gatherings of nearness to Allah, gatherings that remove the filth from the hearts and bring forth the light that has never shone before. As one of the Sheikhs here said, “The dua’s in this place are mustajab.”

The sisters begin their day around 3:30a.m for Tahajjud; praying and reading the adhkar (dua’s and dhikr) until time for prayer. The feelings that one feels are unexplainable—calling out to their Lord at the last part of the night in a Dar so illuminated with sincere hearts! Sincere hearts all turning to the Giver of Life! The first time in my life feeling the feelings of having found that THIS IS WHAT I WAS CREATED FOR! The feeling of poverty Allah places in the heart at this time along with the knowledge of Him being our only Goal, Hope, and End are unexplainable.

Approximately 65 students live in Dar Al-Zahra at this time. Six just arriving from Singapore about 2 weeks ago, adding on to the list of countries the sisters come from. From amongst them are Indonesia, Malaysia, America, Britain, Kenya, Sweden, Egypt, the Comoros Islands, and other parts of Yemen as well.

After the morning prayer there are more adhkar until sunrise. Then we pray Salatu-Shurooq and they may eat a small breakfast until classes begin. At 7:00a.m they meet in the school for a small lesson given by one of the teachers or one of the advanced students before beginning the actual classes as a means of reminding each other of our intentions here and to bring out the himma (aspirations) before class that day. Classes are all given in Arabic by teachers from Indonesia and Yemen six days a week. The age of our classmates vary as well. You may have a 12 year old sister and a 35 year old sister in the same class! It is all based on what you already know or what level you feel comfortable in.For example, some of my teachers are younger than me and the amount of knowledge they possess is simply amazing, ma sha Allah. And this actually helps to make one strive even more. From 7:30am we begin with our classes until 10:30am, having four classes daily. The subjects are Qur’an, Fiqh, Seerah, Arabic Grammar, Adab, Tafseer, Hadith, and Tawheed, depending what day it is. Also Al-Habib Umar’s wife comes and teaches us one of Imam Al-Hadadd’s texts after we do a Mawlid on Tuesdays. All of this takes place in the school.

Outside of the classes, there are several other activities such as sessions given by Al-Habib Umar’s wife. A large dhikr session every Tuesday. A Mawlid every Thursday. A Burda recitation every Friday. Da’wah outings to nearby villages to train and prepare us for da’wah back in our countries. And Al-Habib Umar himself may visit the Dar once in a while to give us advice or a lesson on how to give da’wah. Most of his lessons, however, are listened to on the radio, as far as the women are concerned. There is a “Dar Al-Mustafa” radio station that, al-hamdulillah, we are able to listen to and hear almost everything that goes on there, ma sha Allah. Any free time the sisters have is usually spent studying, reading, reviewing, etc.

As for the sisters who live outside of the Dar, such as the married sisters like myself, we usually attend the classes in the morning then return back to our homes unless there are any other gatherings that day. We are able to stay the night or go to the Dar outside class time if we want to do that also. The married sisters all live near the Dar so we all walk to the school together or separately.

This description of Dar Al-Zahra in no way explains the true reality of what it is like to attend it. All I can say is that I feel so blessed to be in a land like Tarim surrounded by students of knowledge and scholars of this magnificent deen, and most importantly amongst the blessed and illuminated family of our Beloved Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him. We have hope in Allah that in attending this blessed Dar, in this blessed land, with these blessed people that we will be amongst the plentiful fruits that they will produce, inshAllah—the fruits that will aid in giving victory to Allah and His Beloved Messenger! (peace and blessings be upon him).

Your sister,

Tarim, Yemen
January 12, 2002

Dipetik dari:Forum The Habaib

*Bagi sesiapa yg berminat untuk kesana...Nantikan sambungannya!!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

..Sebab2 mendapat hidayah dan beristiqamah..

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم أمابعد

Hendaklah kamu menjauhkan diri sejauh munkin:

1- استماع الغناء
Mendengar nyanyi-nyian

2- المشاهدة للمسلسلات.
Menonton drama2

3- الابتعاد عن الكذب.
Menjauhkan dari menipu

4- عدم الصلاة في وقتها
Tidak solat pada waktunya

5- عدم صلاة الفجر، وهي أهم صلاة.
Tidak solat fajr(iaitu sblm solat subuh) dan ia merupakan solat terpenting.

6- السب أو الشتم، الرجاء الرد في أسرع وقت ممكن....؟

cacian atau makian,diharapkan dapat menjauhkan secepat mungkin.

Sumber blog:ahlulquranpts

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

...Ku mohon keampuananMu...


Ana harap para pembaca blog ini,dapat tadabbur flashfiles arab ni.kalau mereka yang mampu memahami bahasa arab dan menghayatinya,boleh menitis airmata kerana kata2nya.Bagi yang tidak mampu memahaminya,mintalah teman/kenalan untuk menterjemahkan kata2 tersebut.Sila klik disini

Insaflah,sebelum datangnya malaikat maut.Apabila datangnya malaikat untuk mencabut nyawamu dan engkau pada ketika itu dalam keadaan melakukan maksiat?!?!

Semoga kita digolongkan dikalangan orang2 bertaubat.