Saturday, July 23, 2011

Kiblat Ilmu dan Ulama

Majlis bersama Sheikh Yusof Bakhour Al-Hasani di Cairo

Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim
Allahumma solli 'ala sayyidina Muhammad wa 'ala alihi.

Firman Allah ta'ala:

وما بكم من نعمة فمن الله

Dan apa-apa nikmat yang ada pada kamu itu,maka ia adalah dari Allah.

Surah Al-Nahl :53

Sabda Rasulullah sollahu 'alaihi wasallam:

إنما أنا قاسم والله يعطي

Hanyasanya aku yang membahagi-bahagikan dan Allah yang memberi.

Riwayat Imam Bukhari dan Imam Muslim.

Sheikh Muhammad Ibrahim Al-Kattani berkata:"Berdasarkan hadis tesebut,maka kadar pemberian Allah tergantung pada keterikatan/hubunganmu dengan Rasulullah sollahu 'alaihi wasallam ".

Kata para Ahlillah:

ما راحتي إلا لقى الأحباب *هم ساداتي الواقفين في الباب

Aku tidak rehat kecuali bertemu orang-orang yang dicintai,
Mereka adalah kaum pembesar yang duduk di pintu taqarrub Allah.

Pada bulan July ini sangat istimewa buat saya kerana berbagai ulama dari pelbagai negara yang datang Mesir dan membuat majlis.Dan alfaqir ingin rakamkan disini agar diabadikan memori indah ini.

Pada 2 July 2011...

Sayyidi Al-Habib Ali Al-Jufri....

Majlis yang mengingatkan saya kepada Murabbi,Sayyidi Al-Habib Umar Ibn Hafidz.Majlis yang seseorang tidak akan keluar dari majlis tersebut kecuali dengan keadaan rohani yang baru.Allah...betapa saya amat merindui majlis2 sayyidi Al-Habib Umar ibn Hafidz.

Pada 4 July 2011...

Pembetangan thesis PHD Dr Usamah Sayid Mahmud Al-Azhari di kuliah usuluddin wa al-dakwah University Al-Azhar di cawangan Zaqaziq.Beliau memperolehi pangkat MUMTAZ (cemerlang) dengan kepujian pangkat pertama dan dinasihatkan untuk dicetak tesisnya dan disebar-sebarkan.

Bezanya sheikh Usamah dengan pelajar2 arab yang lain ketika munaqasyah adalah adabnya yang sangat tinggi ketika menjawab celahan dari penguji. Sangat istimewa majlisnya ini dihadiri oleh bintang-bintang agama dari Timur Tengah diantaranya:-

Dari Yaman; Al-Habib Ali Al-Jufri,
Jeddah; Al-Habib Mohammad Al-Saqqaf,
Syria; Syeikh Muhammad Abul huda Al-Ya'qubi,
Mesir; Syeikh Muhammad Muhanna, Syeikh Umar Hasyim, Syeikh Yusri, Syeikh Jamal faruq, Syeikh Sayid Syaltut,
2 wakil ulama dari Palestine
dan ramai lagi yang tidak saya kenali....

Ade seorang Dr. memberi ucapan : "Kejayaan sheikh Usamah bukan hanya 1 kemuliaan buat dirinya secara peribadi tapi kemuliaan buat Al-Azhar Al-Syarif."

Habib Ali kata :"Diantara sebab yang menarik beliau untuk hadir munaqasyah Dr Usamah adalah kerana Dr Usamah diantara ulama muda yang ilmunya melampaui umurnya,ilmunya tentang falsafah zaman sekarang dan peranannya dalam berkhidmat kepada Al-Azhar Al-Syarif."

Pada 1-5 July 2011...

Datang ulama dari Lebnon,Sheikh Yusuf Bakhour Al-Hasani.Istimewanya ia dibuat di rumah sheikh kami,Sheikh Mohammad Awad Al-Manqush.Sheikh membaca kitab gurunya,sheikh Sa'ad Al-Din salim Al-Murad.Sangat suka dengan pengajiannya kerana kita belajar bagaimana untuk menjadi sebenar-benar hamba Allah.Nak jadi sebenar-benar hamba Allah pun perlu belajar dari ahlinya.Berapa ramai yang banyak mujahadahnya tapi masih lagi kata2 dan perbuatannya itu berlaku biadab terhadap Penciptanya.

Pada 7 July 2011...

Majlis zikir bersama Sheikh Muhammad Abu Al-Huda Al-Ya'quobi sebelum beliau safar ke Britain di Masjid Sadat Wafaiyyah (berdekatan dengan Masjid Sheikh Ibnu 'Athoillah) .Berita gembira buat kami adalah sheikh akan datang ke Mesir lagi dalam 2-3 bulan lagi.

Teringat sewaktu ziarah para auliya' dan ulama di sekitar Cairo ini,beberapa bulan yang lalu, ada meniatkan untuk pergi ziarah Imam Ali Wafa' kerana dahulu pernah dibaca kitab beliau bersama Sheikh Yusuf tapi bukan rezeki kami pada ketika itu, tidak diketahui tempat ia disemadikan.Allah...rupanya bila datang ke majlis sheikh Muhammad,didapati bahawa disitulah tempat yang ingin dipergi pada waktu itu .

Pada 12 July 2011...

Setelah 25 january 2011,kami tidak berpeluang melihat dan berjumpanya secara LIVE.Sheikh Ali tidak lagi membuat rakaman pengajian tafsirnya di Masjid Al-Azhar.Akan tetapi alhamdulillah,akhirnya dapat juga ketemu pada rakaman program TV lain di Masjid Al-Azhar.

Setiap orang perlu rebut peluang...kerana kita tidak tahu,boleh jadi itu berlaku hanya sekali dalam seumur hidup kita dan ia tidak akan berulang lagi.


جزى الله عنا سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه و سلم ما هو أهله

Semoga Allah membalasi Sayidina Muhammad sollahu 'alaihi wasallam apa yang selayaknya buat dirinya dari kami (ummatnya).

Dialah (Rasulullah)...punca segala kebaikan yang kita perolehi.

Ya Allah,ampunkan segala kecuaian dan dosa hamba ini.
Bantu kami untuk mensyukuri nikmat2 yang Engkau bentangkan buat kami...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

First Day of the Dowra


As-salamu alaykum

The following note was made available by Ustadh Amin Buxton (Allah preserve him and his teachers) from Tarim.

Habib `Umar’s Advice on the First Day of the Dowra

On the first morning of the Dowra (1st Sha`ban 1432/2nd July 2011) the students assembled in Musalla Ahl al-Kisa’ in Dar al-Mustafa before Fajr to read the adhkar. Habib `Umar bin Hafiz then led the Fajr

prayer and the students came to shake his hand and each other’s hands while reading the adhkar.

He then spoke. He mentioned the actions that had just been performed – coming together to remember Allah before Fajr, hoping to be among those that Allah mentions: those that call upon their Lord in hope and fear and those who seek forgiveness in the last portion of the night; praying Fajr in congregation; reading the adhkar after that. He said that we perform these actions firstly for our own benefit, attempting to give to Allah what is due to Him, attempting to purify our hearts and illuminate them, attempting to make firm in our hearts praiseworthy qualities. We do so in a state of humility, pleading with Allah that he blesses us with sincerity. Beyond that, however, we should be aware that we are representatives of our families, our friends, the people of the cities from which we have come and of our Muslim brothers wherever they are in the World. This is according to the extent of our intention and our relationship with Allah. The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) taught us that if one Muslim gives refuge to a non-Muslim, it is as if every Muslim has given him refuge. Thus the action of one Muslim is inextricably linked to the actions of all Muslims. So if one Muslim makes du`a or turns himself to Allah this has an effect on every Muslim.

It has been narrated in a hadith qudsi that Allah says: “I consider sending My punishment down upon a town but when I see the inhabitants of My houses (mosques), those that love each other for My sake and those that seek My forgiveness in the last portion of the night, I direct My punishment away from them.” It has also been narrated that if someone weeps out of fear of Allah, Allah will show mercy to his people through him. Thus through the fear and humility of a few individuals Allah shows mercy to the whole Ummah.

We have just shaken each others’ hands after Fajr. In doing so you can see yourself as an individual shaking the hand of another individual, a member of the Ummah of the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace). In doing this one hundred portions of mercy will be divided between you and your sins will be forgiven before you let go of each other’s hands along with other benefits. However, if you are aware of being a representative of the whole Ummah, that handshake will have an effect on the whole Ummah. The Ummah is in dire need of those that ask Allah to show it mercy and this handshake will cause mercy to descend and remove the rancor that the Muslims hold in their hearts for each other. It will be as if in this one handshake every member of the Ummah shakes the hand of every other member.

In the lessons that you will be taking we look first of all to ourselves. This knowledge which you will receive should firstly benefit you. This knowledge is pure light and it is expressed in the form of fearful awareness of Allah. In fact any knowledge which can be called beneficial according to the criteria of the Qur’an and the Sunnah must be accompanied by fearful awareness of Allah: the only ones who truly fear Allah from amongst His slaves are the possessors of knowledge. Beyond that if you should realize that you are receiving this knowledge and acting upon it to benefit your family and community and country and the whole Ummah.

In all that we do we are following in the footsteps of our guide the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace). We are planting seeds and laying bricks which will contribute to the strengthening the ties of love and brotherhood in the Ummah. We hope to attain the reality of the following verse:

The Believers, men and women, are protecting friends, one of another: they enjoin what is good, and forbid what is evil: they establish the prayer, practice regular charity, and obey Allah and His Messenger. On them will Allah pour His Mercy: for Allah is Exalted in power, Wise.

May Allah give us a great portion of His mercy. May He bless us in our days and nights and give us the ability to truly seek Him. Help us to abase ourselves to Him so that He sends upon us the rain clouds of His bounty.

Allahumma amin.



Wayfarers Coordinator